Properties and characteristics

European Extra Virgin Olive Oil is not just an extra virgin oil, but an essential component of any type of diet, because it enhances the flavors of any dish with personality.
A condiment that becomes an expression of the flavors and aromas of the land on which it grows and matures.

olive tree frome italy, europe

Organic cultivation

Modernization and cultural development have led to the diffusion of knowledge in a global way, which on the one hand is useful and on the other may seem like the fashion of the moment

Harvesting and milling

A fundamental aspect in the production of European Extra Virgin Olive Oil is what is commonly called olive milling and which takes place in the period from September to December.

WhyExtra virgin Olive Oil From Europe?

EUOO is a program promoted by OP L’Olivicola Cosentina Association and co-financed by the European Union which aims to promote the export and consumption of extra virgin olive oil produced in the EU, aimed at chefs, restaurateurs, hospitality professionals, consumers and opinion leaders in USA.

The objective of the program is to promote the quality, authenticity and uniqueness of European and Italian extra virgin olive oil, thanks to information on the raw material and production methods and suggestions on its use in the kitchen with professional-level recipes and amateur.

The program lasts three years and includes meetings with distributors and hospitality professionals, commercial events and show cooking demonstrations with the best chefs who will prepare some of the most loved Italian dishes in Europe using European extra virgin olive oil.

olio pata european olive trees in italy

EUOO program is a marketing and promotion program launched in USA under the responsibility of OP Associazione L'Olivicola Cosentina and co-sponsored by the European Union.